'Going green', 'Recycle', 'Reuse', Reduce'.
There are a lot of buzz words aimed at encouraging environmental responsibility. Over several years we've gradually incorporated these ideas into our home.
One More TimeRecycling paper, glass and cans was our first step. Our city made it easy for us, providing the containers and curbside pick up.
Win Some Lose SomeIn grade school my kids each got cute re-useable lunch bags. After three lost lunch bags, we reverted to paper bags for my son, but my daughter still uses her original bag.
Light My LifeIn sixth grade my son joined SEE, Students for Energy Education. He loved being part of this group. We all learned a lot, including the idea of replacing regular light bulbs with
CFL's , Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, to help reduce our energy consumption.
Steppin' OutMy daughter just bought these
shoes, made from vegan and recycled materials.
Earth Day is coming. Any plans? I'd love to hear them.